I’m Alexandra, a senior at Boston University studying graphic design. Thank you for taking time to visit my portfolio website; please explore.





February 2024 | Installation
For Junior Design studio, every student was told to pick 10 words out of a hat. The first five would be constraints for one poster, and the second five for the other. We then had to apply these constraints to our posters having to do with a topic that we both love and hate. I chose “flying”, because getting to your destination is amazing but it’s hard not to hate the logistics and planning. In addition to our constraints, at least 200 words of AI-generated text had to be used in each poster. 

The first five constraints I pulled were:
1. Intangible
2. No Color
3. Distribution
4. Site-Specific 
5. Shiny

I decided to apply these to my “I love flying” poster. What you see is a set of luggage tags hanging from pins with some shiny ribbon tying them together. However, I promise there is a great reason behind that. Each pin marks a location that I have visited, making the string a flight path. From each location hangs a luggage tag that has no tangible information, however upon scanning it with your phone an AR experience pops up. I hand designed almost 20 AR experiences for every tag on the map, a demo of which can be found by clicking on the video. One sentence from the several hundred words of AI-generated text can be seen at the bottom of every AR filter I created.

The next five constraints: 
1. Use only a text editor
2. 3-D
3. Distribution 
4. Shadows
5. Multilingual 
When I saw “Use only a text editor” followed by 3-D, I was not excited. I ended up using ASCII art to create an image of an airplane over a flight radar. I created the entire poster using Apple Pages, and used corrugated cardboard as a way to add dimension to my poster. The AI-generated text can be found as a shadow beneath the airplane, and the words “I hate flying” written in many different languages is hidden throughout the piece. 

This project was no doubt a challenge, and this is, by far, the longest description I’ve written on my website, but it was all so worth it. My project along with my classmates’ posters were put on display in 808 Commonweath Avenue, one of Boston University’s buildings.